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What is Titanium Carbide TiC Powder?

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Titanium Carbide TiC Pulp Here is the chemical formula Titon carbide TiC. TiC, a metal-grayluster-luster crystal is made from steel. The crystal is very versatile and both electrically as well as termically conductive. Crystals’ electrical conductivity decreases with increasing temperature. This makes it a Medal. It’s a high-melting point hard compound, with a microhardness value at 2850kg/mm2. Its lattice constant measures 4.173×10-8cm. Relative densities 4.9, melting point 3150, boiling points 4820. TiN, TiO both share exactly the same lattice. Both lattices enable the formation of continuous solid solutions. The H2 Gas temperature rises to 1500 degC and C gradually disappears. Ti(C) refers to the variably composed mixture of Ti(C), Nickel, carbon nitride and N2 gases above 1200. TiC’s 800-degree oxidation speed makes it very slow. TiC powder is easily oxidized in O2 at 600 degrees to produce TiO2 (or CO2). The O2 gas reacts in TiO2 to produce TiO2 (or CO) While it doesn’t interact with water, at 700degC, it reacts to O2 gas to make TiO2, H2 (or CO).
Titanium Carbide TiC Powder Properties
Additional Names titanium(IV) carbide, TiC powder
No. 12070-08-5
Formula compound TiC
Molecular Weight 40.1
Appearance black powder
Melting Point 3160degC
Boiling Point 4820degC
Density 4.93g/cm3
Water’s solubility It’s impossible to solve.
Mass exact 59.947
Titanium Carbide Nanoparticles Nano TiC Powder CAS 12070-08-5

Titanium Carbide TiC Pulver preparation
1. Carbothermic and other reductions
Reduced TiO2+3C (s),=TiC+2COg from 1700-2100
2. Carbonization via direct method
TiC is formed when Ti powder reacts with carbon dust.
Submicron Ti powder preparation is not easy. The powder is not suitable for use. It can take between five and twenty hours for this reaction to occur. It is very difficult to control the reaction and can take a considerable amount of time. You can obtain fine TiC dust by grinding. Powders can be further refined using chemical processes to produce a higher quality product.
3. Chemical vapor deposition
This synthesis utilizes the TiCl4, TiH2and C reactions.
Hot tungsten monofilaments, carbon monofilaments are the reactants. Monofilaments are possible to make TiC crystals. Monofilaments are not able to produce TiC powders that are of superior quality.
4. Sol-gel method
This invention deals with the creation of small-sized products through mixing dispersion processes and solutions. They have the advantage of very fine particles and high chemical consistency. Temperature at which the product is heated may be very low. But, shrinkage can be caused by the complex synthesis process.
5. Microwave technique
You can use nano TiO2 (or Carbon Black) as raw material. The principle of carbon thermal reaction can be used to heat. You can convert microwave energy into heat by using high-frequency electromagnetic fields dielectric losses within materials. With nano TiO2 carbon, TiC can be achieved

Titanium Carbide TiC Pulver
1. This material can be used for mold making and wearing-resistant coating. It also works well with cutting instruments.
2. Ceramics are made from raw materials using powder metallurgy. They include drawing film and hard alloy den. Polyphase ceramics are used to cut and for other purposes. These include military armor material or cutting tools.
3. You can use it for tritium-anticoating or diamond coatings in Fusion reactor. Also, it can be used as an exavator cutter, in electric contact and for foam ceramics.

Titanium Carbide TiC Pulp-Main Supplier
Nano Technology Co. Ltd., a supplier of quality chemicals is internationally recognized.
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