Copper sulfide is an important p-type semiconductor material used for solar cells, optical filters, and other applications. It is a complex compound containing many different stoichiometries and valence states that affect its physical, chemical, and electrical properties.
Various copper sulfide minerals are commercially mined, including the copper sulfide minerals chalcocite and covellite. They are soft (hardness 1.2-2.0 on the Mohs scale) and naturally flexible in thin lamina.
These ores contain high concentrations of copper, which can be harmful to humans and animals. Long-term exposure can cause liver and kidney damage, irritate the eyes, mouth, and throat, and cause headaches and dizziness.
The EPA has not yet issued a cancer rating for copper sulfate, but long-term exposure to this mineral may cause liver problems in people who have a history of Wilson’s disease, which is a preexisting condition that can lead to liver cancer.
This crystalline solid is often used as an ingredient in pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers. It is also a common ingredient in paints and coatings.
In addition, it is a widely used contaminant in groundwater and is a hazard to fish and aquatic organisms. Studies with several species of fish have shown that even a very small amount of this chemical can kill them.
In order to better understand the nature of the sulfide film expected on a waste container surface, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to study the growth of sulfide films at potentials positive to Ecorr and in 0.1 M sodium chloride solutions containing sulfide concentrations ranging from 10-4 M to 10-3 M. The results from voltammetry and potentiostatic analysis showed that the film was formed in two stages: a thin porous base layer at low potentials, followed by an outer sulfide deposit at higher potentials.
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