The chemical formula of silicon monoxide is SiO2
This is a common molecule that is used in many applications including batteries. It is a high temperature resistant compound that is highly stable, does not react with acids and does not oxidize easily.
It has high specific gravity, low volume expansion and a very small initial surface area which allows it to increase capacity ten times over graphite anodes. This makes it a promising alternative to graphite in batteries.
The chemistry of silicon monoxide is complex and the chemical formula is not well understood. It is a diatomic molecule that is found in nature and has been detected in stellar objects.
SiO is an oxide of silicon that is mainly found in sand and quartz. It is an important material for a variety of semiconductor applications, including integrated circuits and capacitors.
Molecular modeling of amorphous SiO with nanoscale structural heterogeneity
We have performed molecular dynamics simulations on the as-formed amorphous silicon monoxide (AMO) with a variety of interfacial suboxide-type tetrahedra in the g-i region and the interfacial regions between them. We have compared these models with the X-ray total structure factor S(Q) and summation curves for Si and SiO.
The X-ray S(Q) of AMO is intermediate between those of amorphous Si and amorphous SiO2 that have been reported in the literature15,19. However, the summation curve does not agree with the S(Q) of amorphous SiO, which splits into two peaks at Q