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Gold Spheres and the Casimir Effect

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The Golden Spheres are locked in a podium on the observatory’s combat platforms, awaiting each Champion to fight them one-on-one. During the Second Challenge, the Sphere was in the pit of rising water. Gregory Brigham managed to scale the pyramid and retrieve it before it receded, bringing it up to Hades.

Diffuse gold coatings on gold spheres offer superior reflectance characteristics in the long IR region as compared to barium sulfate and PTFE integrating spheres. In addition, they have a damage threshold four times greater than PTFE and high thermal limits.

A team of physicists has used an atomic force microscope to measure the Casimir effect between two gold-coated spheres, rather than a flat surface and a sphere (SN: 10/28/20). Although it’s too small to test quantum effects, this experiment brings scientists one step closer to understanding how gravity behaves on even smaller scales, such as for objects that can exist in multiple places at once, or be both particles and waves.

The results indicate that the number of spherical gold nanoparticles depends on fluid density and pressure during PLA. At lower densities, the liquid gold droplet precursors fragment to form nanonetworks and disappear. However, at higher densities, the precursors solidify and generate submicron-sized spherical gold particles. This observation is consistent with a model where the axial and equatorial hydrogen bonding-triggered second-sphere coordination determines whether or not the precursors break apart into nanoparticles. It also explains why the number of gold particles generated increases as laser pulses per unit time increase, while the number of gold nanonetworks decreases.