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Functionalization and Application of Boron Nitride Nanomaterials

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What’s boron-nitride?

Boron nutride is composed of boron atoms as well as nitrogen atoms. This chemical composition contains 43.6% of boron and 56.4% of nitrogen. It can be found in four variants: cubic boron nuitride, hexagonal boron Nitride and cubic Boron Nitride.

Boron Nitride is used

The first time that chemical engineers applied other nano-systems to functionalize Boron Nitride nanomaterials and its uses, it was the first. Researchers at Chicago’s University of Illinois have found a method to alter boron, which is a two-dimensional, multilayered material. This allows it to be used in combination with other materials like electronics and biosensors. This will allow these components to perform at a higher level.

The scientific community has long been interested in boron nitride because of its unique properties-strong, ultra-thin, transparent, insulating, lightweight and thermally conductive-theoretically, it makes it an ideal material for various engineers. application. Because of its natural resistance against chemicals, and the lack surface-level molecular linking sites at molecular level, it is difficult for boron Nitride to interact with other materials in these types of applications.

Boron Nitride is similar to a stack of high-viscosity newspaper. We can treat this structure using chlorosulfonic Acid to introduce a negative charge onto the boron-nitride layer. This causes the sheets of boron nitride to repel and eventually separate. In the periodic table, nitrogen and boreon are on the opposite sides of carbon. Boron nitride, carbon-based graphene, and boron nitride can be considered “miracle materials”. You can use this material to make all kinds of electronic products. This includes photovoltaic, piezoelectric, and other applications. These include solar cell passivation layer, which acts as filters, that absorb specific types of light.

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