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Researches and application prospects of nano silicon powder

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What exactly is nano silicon? Nano silicon Five nanometers is the smallest size of crystal silicon particles. It is extremely pure and small in particle size. This powder also has uniform distribution. It is flavorless and safe for consumption because of its low bulk density, high surface area, and high activity. The nanosilicon-powder optoelectronics material is made from high-power light sources with a lot of gap energy. Nano silicon: Recent Research
(1) The silicon-rich or annealing conditions can be altered to regulate the size and density of the silicon dioxide nanocrystals. 1000oC is required to form silicon oxide nanocrystals. This temperature can be determined by experimentation. After annealing at 900oC the high-resolution electron photos of silicon-rich Silicon oxide have a silicon rich content around 30%. You can see the presence of silicon nanocrystals.
(2) Electroluminescence observed from the Au/(Ge/SiO2) superlattice/pSi crystal for the first time. Ultra-high resolution electron micrograph from the four-period Ge/SiO2 supra lattice. SiO2 (the bright-line) has a thickness 2.25 nm. Ge layers have a thickness of 2.5 nm.
(3) The silicon substrate was used to create the nano-SiO2/Si/SiO2 sandwich by magnetron sputtering. The first visible electroluminescence has been achieved in an Au/NDB/pSi arrangement. We find that electroluminescence’s peak position and intensity oscillate synchronously with changes in the Nanosilicon layer thickness (W). Additional experiments, analyses and more tests have revealed that the oscillation duration is half of the de Broglie wavelength. The electroluminescence theory our group developed can explain why this is the case.

Fourteen-year-old Er electroluminescence was achieved for the first time using SiO2Si Er films, which were grown by magnetron spraying.
(5) It was the first reported on UV-based, silicone-based ultraviolet luminescence using heattreated ITO/natural silicon oxide/pSi. The threshold for this method of lightening was 360nm.
Uses of Nano silicon
Silicon/siliconoxid nanostructures were used to achieve the photoluminescence for both 1.54mm and 1.62mm wavelengths. This technology offers great potential for scientific research and applications.
(aka. Nanotechnology Co. Ltd., is an international manufacturer and supplier leader of chemicals. With over 12 years experience producing quality chemical compounds and Nanomaterials. Our Nano silicon products are high-quality and contain very few particles. Thanks! We are if necessary.

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